

Collection of juvenile novels commissioned by Astronave (Norma Editorial).

Borealia was born as a commission from Norma Editoriall, one of the most important comic book publishers in Spain, to inaugurate its Astronave youth narrative label Astronave. The publisher was looking for a trilogy of novels with the possibility of becoming a franchise, which was inclusive and clearly aimed at an audience between eight and fourteen years old, so the collection reflects the concerns and hobbies of the millennial generation.

The adaptation of Borealia to an animation series is one of Alidra Creative's projects in development. We are currently looking for co-producers.

«A series as disturbing and funny as Stranger Things or Gravity Falls.«

Libroteca El gato de Cheshire

Don't let him get away. It's read in a sigh and the story is very original.

Heaven in Books

SYNOPSIS: Ari moves to Borealia with her family, a town where the weirdest things keep happening: people disappear without a trace, some say they can talk with the dead, tremors constantly shake the earth, and everyone is hooked on Kosmo, the trendiest VR videogame. But the strangest of it all happens when Ari and her two new friends, Zeta and Mica, receive a letter warning them that the multiverse is in danger, and to save it they must free an alien creature trapped in a mysterious abandoned mine, before it’s captured by the mighty Marcus Golden for his own evil purposes.


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Other Works

The Star


Komori's World



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